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Objednávka v menzeOrdering meals in the dining hall

Ordering meals in the dining hall

Access points to the Kredit 7 system

Týdenní objednací snímač

Week’s order reader
Universal point of contact for the diner with the Kredit system

Objednací místo

Order point
For ordering one alternate meal for the next day, just by placing one’s card on the reader.

Informační místo

Information point
For individual checking of one’s meal order for the day and the location of the ordered meal, and for checking one’s current account status.

Výdejní místo

Serving point
For receiving one’s ordered food, by placing one’s card there.

Prezentační místo

Comprehensive meal ordering point
For ordering meals. For selecting the data, canteens, and meals, one’s own orders, cancelling orders, offering meals at the meal vouchers exchange, ordering meals offered at the meal voucher exchange, checking one’s account status, checking meals on offer, etc.

Summer AccommodationKOLEJNET - connecting to internetSKM Information Services


Long-term housing of students

Housing of emploees, lecturers and general public
tel.: +420 777 000 202, +420 585 638 016

Head of the Dining Department
tel.: +420 585 638 020

Last update: 25. 06. 2012, Daniel Agnew